King Bakht Nasr ran his army after Hazrat Zakariya, Hazrat Zakariya sought refuge from a tree.


King Bakht Nasr was very fortunate and righteous in the beginning. He was very obedient to Hazrat Zakariya (as) and Hazrat Yahya (as). He happened to be married to a woman. With which

A very beautiful girl was from her first husband. When the girl reached puberty, the king was fascinated by her spring beauty. She gave a message to her mother and she was very happy. But in the heart

There was a fear that the king was obedient to the prophets and that such a marriage was against the law of God's prophets. Why would they allow this? So he said to the king, "You will not be able to pay his dues." The king asked, "How much is the dowry?" I will give whatever you say. She said, "The right of dowry belongs to the heads of your two prophets." If you pay this dowry then the girl is present otherwise don't even mention her name. The king said that these prophets are not our enemies but our benefactors and supplicants for us. Killing them innocently is a great injustice. In addition, whatever you ask for is a right of seal, which I accept. The woman said that there was no other dowry. The king, overwhelmed with emotion, ordered the army to cut off the heads of the two innocents.

When Hazrat Yahya (as) was killed in Jerusalem, Hazrat Zakariya (as) saw this scene and ran towards the forest, the army retreated and Satan guided him. When the soldiers came and surrounded me, Hazrat Zakariya (as) begged from a tree to give me shelter inside him.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) fell into it and then closed it, but the cloth remained outside. The army wondered where they had disappeared. Then the devil told the tricks of the saw. The tree was cut down. Meaning: If you go off, you will be expelled from the prophethood

Why seek refuge? If we had been begging, would we not have taken refuge? Now taste it and let the saws go on silently. Assuming that the body was cut from head to toe and Hazrat Zakariya (as) did not die. When the two prophets were killed with this cruelty, divine wrath descended, the day became dark and a king came up with a bloody army and arrested the inhabitants of this city, the blood of Hazrat Yahya (as) would not stop ۔ When they were kept in the grave, the grave would be filled with blood. The king's army swore that we will not stop until the blood of Hazrat Yahya (as) is stopped. Thousands of people were stabbed, but the blood did not stop. Thousands of people have been killed for one blood. Will you kill the whole world now? All that was to be said was that the blood of the Prophet (saws) had stopped. The blessed tomb of the Prophet (saws) is in Damascus.
